πŸ“’ Ares Protocol Whitelist Lottery Round Two Winners Announcement πŸŽ‰

Ares Protocol
2 min readApr 22, 2021


Dear Aresians, we already announced the winners of Round One and now we’re ready to share with you the lucky winners of Round Two 😱

All Aresians had an equal chance of winning. There were two batches of winners: Batch #1 that contained the primary winners, the vanguard, which would have immediate access to the tier0 Community Pool, and Batch #2 that was the reserve division, the rearguard, which would get access 5 minutes after the opening of the tier0 Community Pool. This decision was made to prevent gas wars. To prevent that any allocation after the sale is left we even decided to have a Batch #3 with 50 people who get access 5 minutes after the opening of batch #2, if any allocation is still left.

Congratulations to all the winners, we’re very pleased to have such an amazing community! πŸ₯³

In addition to the terms of participation, you should have used a personal ERC20 address that is not empty, otherwise your address was excluded from the lottery to prevent bot accounts from participating.

Also, you need to perform a KYC verification procedure in order to be able to participate in the IDO on Duckstarter (it could take a few days because of lots of requests): https://verify-with.blockpass.org/?clientId=duckstarter&serviceName=DuckSTARTER&env=prod

πŸ€ Winners πŸ€

The list of ERC20 addresses of Aresians who got a place in our Whitelist can be found here: https://bit.ly/3nbRfTN

πŸ” CTRL+F β€” this key combination will help quickly find your private address, if it was selected.

πŸ“‹ Round Two Details

πŸ“Œ Pool size: $10,000.

πŸ“Œ Max allocation per person: $100.

πŸ“Œ Batch #1 winners: 100.

πŸ“Œ Batch #2 winners: 50.

πŸ“Œ Batch #3 winners: 50.

Stay tuned, the results of Round One and Three are coming, along with a bunch of other exciting news 😎

ℹ️ About Ares Protocol

Ares Protocol is the first decentralized cross-chain oracle on Polkadot that implements data verification on-chain. It’s competitive advantage over other oracles is that it has a higher degree of decentralization because of node randomness, very low latency and high scalability because of it’s on-chain verification of real world data. Furthermore, it is the first oracle that provides compensation through its treasury to data consumers who faced losses due to malicious data. This mechanism serves as insurance and an additional layer of security in the rare case that other security mechanisms of Ares Protocol fail, making it even more secure

ℹ️ About Duckstarter

Duckstarter is a public token launchpad, a platform for early-stage projects before they finally go public.

🌐 Our Social Media

Telegram Group: https://t.me/Aresprotocols

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/aresprotocol_announcement

Website: https://aresprotocol.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AresProtocols

Medium: https://aresprotocol.medium.com/

Github: https://github.com/aresprotocols

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/gWGG63zJVk



Ares Protocol

The first chain-verified decentralised cross-chain oracle service protocol